Voices Within – an Inspirational novel – Excerpt #34

  https://tammymcatee.com To read an excerpt https://tammymcatee.com/excerpt/ I shrugged inside my mind, and I said, “It makes no sense to me how you talk of decisions, and choices, when here I lie in a bed in a place I do not even know the name of. How, tell me that, does that give me any […]

Voices Within – an Inspirational novel – Excerpt #33

https://tammymcatee.com To read an excerpt https://tammymcatee.com/excerpt/ “When you see, you will remember much, in time. There is no rush. Time is not of the essence you and your world have made it to be. We will now discuss trust and the importance it is to you and to humankind. Trust is the one ingredient you […]

Voices Within – an Inspirational novel – Excerpt #32

https://tammymcatee.com To read an excerpt https://tammymcatee.com/excerpt/ My thoughts drifted to places from my past. I remembered a man, smiling, holding out his hand. I felt safe and know this is an earlier memory of my father. Pain quickly filled the space where the memory has resided moments earlier. My father’s disappearance and my failed attempts […]

Voices Within – an Inspirational Novel – Excerpt #31

https://tammymcatee.com To read an excerpt https://tammymcatee.com/excerpt/ “First, Child, we must develop trust. It is important for you to know that you are safe and no harm will come to you in this place. Your life is ever changing and this is only one small piece of your journey. I am here to help you with […]

Voices Within – An Inspirational Novel – Excerpt #30

  https://tammymcatee.com To read an excerpt https://tammymcatee.com/excerpt/ “In time, Child, you will have all your questions answered. You need not worry about all the details at this time. First, we have many things to tell you. Things you may not wish to hear, or things you may not wish to know. We tell you this, […]

Voices Within – an Inspirational Novel – Excerpt #29

https://tammymcatee.com To read an excerpt https://tammymcatee.com/excerpt/   “But why can’t I see?” “You must focus, Child on what you can do rather than on what you can’t do. In order to heal Child, you must heal the whole self, not just one part or piece of one self. There is much for you to learn. […]

Voices Within – an Inspirational novel – Excerpt #28

https://tammymcatee.com To read an excerpt https://tammymcatee.com/excerpt/ Later, I awoke. My eyelids remained closed, unmoving as if frozen into place. I shouted inside my mind, “Are you there? Can you hear me?” Silence, cold and still is my only answer. Panic welled inside me and for a brief moment, I felt trapped, imprisoned within my very […]

Voices Within – an Inspirational novel – Excerpt #27

https://tammymcatee.com To read an excerpt https://tammymcatee.com/excerpt/ I screamed inside my head, why could no one hear me? An elderly voice replied, “I can hear you Willow, there is no need to shout.” Startled, my heart started racing. “Calm down Child, I am here to help you.” “You are?” I asked hesitantly. “Yes Child, you, and […]

Voices Within – an Inspirational Novel – Excerpt #26

https://tammymcatee.com To read an excerpt https://tammymcatee.com/excerpt/ “You must focus, Child on what you can do rather than on what you can’t do. In order to heal Child, you must heal the whole self, not just one part or piece of one self. There is much for you to learn. We will take a break for […]

Voices Within – An inspirational Novel – Excerpt #25

https://tammymcatee.com To read an excerpt:  https://tammymcatee.com/excerpt/ An excerpt: Later, I awoke. My eyelids remained closed, unmoving as if frozen into place. I shouted inside my mind, “Are you there? Can you hear me?” Silence, cold and still is my only answer. Panic welled inside me and for a brief moment, I felt trapped, imprisoned within […]